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54 Days to Fall in Love "The Recipe" - Chris Brazel

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Give it a go – You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

To have love all you have to do is open the door.

Let go the blocks and allow love into your life in which ever way or form you would like.


This book has helped so many people find love in many ways in their life:


  • Love of another partner
  • Love for a new career
  • Love to take a passion and turn into a business
  • Love in healing from a past relationship
  • Love of self
  • Love to learn about who they are and what they are really creating in their life.
  • Some carry the book as a bible to link into energies to create changes in their life.
  • It has Soul Energy Feng Shui tips
  • Colours to work with
  • The 54 Day Recipe to the pathway to love
  • How to heal
  • How to recognise the past to let go to move to the future.


And a whole lot more.


Follow my receipe and which ever way you wish to have love in your life I know working together we can make it happen.


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